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Financial Supervisory Commission
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.28 02:21


Title: Directions for Promoting Insurance Service Business Through Collaboration with Business Entities in Other Industries Ch
Date: 2023.10.04
Content: I. These Directions are established to regulate the collaboration between insurance enterprises, insurance agents, or insurance brokers and business entities in other industries to promote insurance service business, protect the rights and interests of consumers, and uphold their professional image.
II. Unless otherwise specified in laws and regulations, insurance enterprises, insurance agents, and insurance brokers shall collaborate with business entities in other industries to promote insurance service business (hereinafter referred to as "the Business") in accordance with these Directions.
III. The term "insurance agents" as used in these Directions refers to companies with a corporate organization that operate insurance agent businesses.
The term "insurance brokers" as used in these Directions refers to companies with a corporate organization that operate insurance brokerage businesses.
IV. The term "Business" as used in these Directions refers to the following lines of business:
(I) Innovative insurance products provided by insurance companies in direct collaboration with financial technology operators from other industries in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 7-1 of the Directions for Insurance Enterprises Engaging in Electronic Commerce Business .
(II) The following lines of business conducted by insurance companies directly or with other industries through insurance agents or insurance brokers:
1. Partnership for the promotion of travel insurance through online platforms or mobile applications (apps) for the sale of travel products.
2. Partnership with mobile device manufacturers to promote mobile device insurance through their official websites, directly-operated stores, or distributors.
3. Partnership with the official website or online platform of Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. to promote fire and earthquake insurance for mortgage business.
4. Partnership with electric motorcycle manufacturers to promote Usage Based Insurance (UBI) motorcycle physical damage insurance, UBI motorcycle third-party liability insurance, and additional insurance of the two aforementioned insurance products through their official websites or apps.
5. Partnership with online platforms or apps of diabetes service management platform providers to provide health insurance for diabetic patients.
V. Personnel engaged in the solicitation of the Businesses shall be required to obtain insurance solicitor registration qualifications and complete insurance solicitor registration in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Supervision of Insurance Solicitors.

The insurance enterprises, insurance agents, and insurance brokers of the personnel referred to in the preceding paragraph shall establish comprehensive management and evaluation mechanisms for such personnel.
VI. When an insurance enterprise, insurance agent, or insurance broker conducts the Business, it shall ensure that any partner from another industry and any distributor thereof meets the following criteria:
(I) It shall be a company limited by shares or a limited company established in accordance with laws with paid-in capital of at least NT$10 million or its equivalent in a foreign currency.
(II) The official website, online platform, or mobile application (app) must meet the following criteria:
1. It must be equipped with security management, firewall, intrusion detection, and other related information security mechanisms.
2. It must have the ability to connect to the insurance enterprise's open service application programming interface (API), provide external protection, and maintain stable operation.
VII. Insurance enterprises, insurance agents, insurance brokers, and companies from other industries working together to promote the Business shall comply with the following provisions:
(I) They shall sign collaboration contracts to specify their rights and obligations and set the remuneration for the Business, personnel training, qualifications, consumer dispute resolution, and other important matters.
(II) The promotion materials and advertisement must be approved by the insurance enterprise.
(III) Insurance enterprises, insurance agents, and insurance brokers shall not coerce, induce, or restrict the rights of the proposer or the insured to enter into a contract by leveraging the duties or business of the collaborating entity or use any other inappropriate means, and shall not provide any additional remuneration or other benefits other than those stipulated in the contract signed with the collaborating entity.
(IV) The management costs and related remuneration such as commissions and bonuses shall not exceed the additional cost of the product, and the difference in cost shall not cause losses in additional expense.
(V) The collection, processing, and use of personal data for the Business shall comply with the Personal Data Protection Act and relevant regulations, and consumers must be fully informed of the important particulars of the insurance products.
VIII. Where insurance enterprises, insurance agents, insurance brokers, and partners from other industries collect insurance premiums, they must specify in the collaboration contract that the company from another industry shall set up a separate premium income account and settle the premiums in a timely manner. The maximum period for premiums to be paid to the insurance enterprise shall not exceed one month, and the premiums shall not be used to offset the remuneration payable to such companies.
IX. When insurance enterprises, insurance agents, or insurance brokers conduct the Business, they shall include the contents of these Directions as regulations or establish an internal control and audit system. Where there is a violation of these Directions, the competent authority may impose suitable penalties based on the severity of the violation.
Data Source:Financial Supervisory Commission Laws and Regulations Retrieving System