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Financial Supervisory Commission
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Regulations Governing the Implementation of Internal Control and Audit System and Business Solicitation System of Insurance Agent Companies and Insurance Broker Companies Ch
Date: 2022.04.11
Legislative: Amended on 11 April 2022 per Order No. Jin-Guan-Bao-Zong-Zi 11104911731 of the Financial Supervisory Commission.
Content: Article 23    The general manager of insurance agent companies and insurance broker companies shall oversee that each unit carefully evaluates and reviews the implementation of internal control system. The company’s chairman of the board (council chairman), general manager and relevant officers shall jointly sign a statement on internal controls (the attached Form), which shall be submitted to the board of directors (council) for approval and filed in a manner designated by the competent authority before the end of April each year.
A bank shall include its insurance agent or broker business in its statement on internal control in accordance with Article 27 of the “Implementation Rules of Internal Audit and Internal Control System of Financial HoldingCompanies and Banking Industries”.
Data Source:Financial Supervisory Commission Laws and Regulations Retrieving System