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Financial Supervisory Commission
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.07.23 08:25


Title: Jin-Kuan-Fa-Zi-No. 09900703600 Ch
Date: 2010.09.13

Order of the Financial Supervisory Committee, Executive Yuan

Date:13 September 2010
Ref: Jin-Kuan-Fa-Zi-No. 09900703600

Article 3, paragraph 3, subparagraph 3, item 1 of the Regulations Governing Offshore Structured Products requires that a natural person applying for recognition as a professional investor must be able to "provide proof of financial capacity showing net worth of above NT$30 million." Where a natural person provides as proof a joint account contract with a financial institution, only such portion of assets belonging to said natural person as stipulated under said contract can be calculated into the net worth of said natural person. Where the contract does not stipulate how the assets in the joint account are divided among the account holders, it shall be assumed when calculating the applicant's net worth that the assets the joint account are divided equally among the account holders.

Data Source:Financial Supervisory Commission Laws and Regulations Retrieving System