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Financial Supervisory Commission
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Premium Table of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance for Car Ch
Date: 2013.12.27
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on December 17, 1997; effected on January 01, 1998
2.Amended on June 29, 2001; effected on January 01, 2001
3.Amended on December 20, 2002; effected on January 01, 2003
4.Amended on December 24, 2003; effected on January 01, 2004
5.Amended on February 25, 2005; effected on March 01, 2005
6.Amended on December 29, 2005; effected on March 01, 2006
7.Amended on November 30, 2007; effected on March 01, 2008
8.Amended on December 1, 2008; effected on March 01, 2009
9.Amended on November 30, 2009; effected on March 01, 2010
10.Amended on November 8, 2010; effected on March 01, 2011
11.Amended on December 3, 2012; effected on March 01, 2013
12.Amended on December 27, 2013; effected on March 01, 2014

Article 1
Premium Table of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance for Car

Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Premium Table (Motor
Vehicles 1)

                                                       Unit: NT$
│Record of       │Vehicle Type                              │
│violating       ├────┬───┬────┬───────┤
│traffic rules   │Commerc-│Light │Dual Use│Heavy Truck   │
│and accidents   │ial     │Truck │Bus/Fre-├───┬───┤
├───┬────┤Sedan   │ (Leg-│ight Tr-│Weight│Weight│
│Level │Adjust- │        │al En-│uck     │3.5~  │9.1~  │
│      │ment    │        │tity) │ (Legal │9.0   │15.0  │
│      │Factor  │        │      │Entity) │tons  │tons  │
│1     │-30 %   │2,132   │1,681 │1,398   │2,518 │4,109 │
│2     │-26 %   │2,230   │1,754 │1,455   │2,639 │4,321 │
│3     │-18 %   │2,428   │1,901 │1,569   │2,881 │4,744 │
│4     │0 %     │2,873   │2,230 │1,826   │3,426 │5,698 │
│5     │10  %   │3,121   │2,413 │1,968   │3,728 │6,228 │
│6     │20  %   │3,368   │2,596 │2,111   │4,031 │6,757 │
│7     │30  %   │3,615   │2,779 │2,253   │4,333 │7,287 │
│8     │40  %   │3,862   │2,961 │2,396   │4,636 │7,817 │
│9     │50  %   │4,110   │3,144 │2,538   │4,938 │8,346 │
│10    │60  %   │4,357   │3,327 │2,681   │5,241 │8,876 │
│                                            │
│      │Special Vehicle   │   Tow Vehicle  │
│Weight│Large-  │Small-  │General │Conta-│
│above │sized   │sized   │vehicle │iner  │
│15.1  │vehicle │vehicle │        │truck │
│tons  │        │        │        │      │
│6,112 │2,828   │2,080   │11,795  │10,397│
│6,439 │2,967   │2,176   │12,446  │10,968│
│7,092 │3,244   │2,368   │13,749  │12,110│
│8,560 │3,868   │2,799   │16,679  │14,681│
│9,376 │4,215   │3,039   │18,306  │16,109│
│10,192│4,562   │3,279   │19,934  │17,537│
│11,008│4,908   │3,519   │21,562  │18,965│
│11,824│5,255   │3,759   │23,190  │20,393│
│12,640│5,602   │3,999   │24,818  │21,821│
│13,456│5,949   │4,239   │26,445  │23,249│
1.The premium list in this table is for a one-year policy. When an insured or an insurer terminates this insurance contract, after deducting the insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance, the insurer should refund the remaining premium calculated based on the ratio of the remained days to policy period.
2.The insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance for all the vehicles in this table is NT$387.80, it includes:
(1) the insurer's business expenses: NT$381.94, reducible with reference to its management efficiency. If a policyholder or insured purchases the insurance at the insurer's company or its branch units in person, the policyholder or insured is entitled to a premium discount of at least NT$73, provided that the discount amount does not exceed the insurer's business expenses.
(2) any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance: NT$5.86.
3.Both the contribution to the Compensation Fund (3%) and the contribution to the Stabilization Fund (0.2%) should be calculated based on the premium in the table mentioned above.
4.Premium for the first time insured shall be calculated based on the level 4; No matter for commercial or private use, premium of all the light trucks is subject to the one for light trucks(Legal Entity) in the table; Premium of private sedans for corporate owner is subject to the premium of private sedans of male owner in the age 30-60; Premium of sedans and buses for rent is subject to the premium of commercial sedans and commercial buses, Premium of sedans for long-term rent is subject to the premium of private sedans.
5.Premium for first-time insured or an insured with no previous insurance record should be calculated based on Level 4. For other insured, the premium Level for current year is calculated based on the traffic violation record in the previous year. For an insured without any violation record in the previous year, the premium Level for current year will be adjusted one Level down from the Level of previous year. The lowest Level is Level 1. For insured with violation records in the previous year, the premium Level for current year is adjusted up by 3 Levels from the Level of previous year for every claim paid. For instance, the premium increase by 3 Level for one claim paid, and 6 Levels for two claims paid. The highest Level is Level 10. If an insured has no traffic violation record in the previous year, but has violation records from past, the premium Level for current year should be adjusted according to the rules described as above. In addition, all traffic violation records occurred after the first subscription of CALI should be included in the adjustment of the premium Level.
6.The premium calculation of an automobile with a temporary license plate or a test drive license plate or motorized machinery with a temporary pass having a policy term less than one year should be based on the following: (1) the insurer's business expenses and any expense necessary to ensure the soundness of this insurance shall be charged the same as those of a one-year policy; and (2) the rest items of the premium structure shall be charged on pro-rata basis(the ratio of the policy period in days to 365 days).
7.The premiums listed in this Table do not include the drunk driving surcharge. For the specifics of the drunk driving surcharge, please see the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Drunk Driving Surcharge Table.

Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Premium Table (Motor
Vehicles 2)

                                                       Unit: NT$
│Record of   │Type of Vehicles                              │
│violating   ├───────┬───┬───────────┤
│traffic     │Military      │Mobile│Private Bus           │
│rules and   │Vehicles      │Machi-│                      │
│accidents   │              │nery  │                      │
├──┬───┼───┬───┤      ├───┬───┬───┤
│Lev-│Adjust│Admin-│Combat│      │Seats:│Seats:│Seats:│
│el  │-ment │istra-│Vehic-│      │10~20 │21~30 │Above │
│    │Factor│tive  │le    │      │      │      │31    │
│    │      │Vehic-│      │      │      │      │      │
│    │      │le    │      │      │      │      │      │
│1   │-30 % │1,489 │826   │1,918 │5,796 │6,051 │5,543 │
│2   │-26 % │1,551 │850   │2,004 │6,105 │6,374 │5,837 │
│3   │-18 % │1,675 │898   │2,178 │6,721 │7,020 │6,425 │
│4   │0 %   │1,955 │1,008 │2,568 │8,109 │8,473 │7,747 │
│5   │10  % │2,110 │1,068 │2,784 │8,879 │9,280 │8,482 │
│6   │20  % │2,266 │1,129 │3,001 │9,650 │10,087│9,216 │
│7   │30  % │2,421 │1,190 │3,218 │10,421│10,895│9,951 │
│8   │40  % │2,577 │1,251 │3,434 │11,192│11,702│10,686│
│9   │50  % │2,732 │1,311 │3,651 │11,963│12,509│11,420│
│10  │60  % │2,887 │1,372 │3,868 │12,733│13,316│12,155│
│                      │
│Commercial Bus        │
│                      │
│                      │
│10~20 │21~30 │Above │
│      │      │31    │
│      │      │      │
│      │      │      │
│9,178 │8,168 │7,812 │
│9,679 │8,612 │8,236 │
│10,683│9,499 │9,083 │
1.The premium list in this table is for a one-year policy. When an insured or an insurer terminates this insurance contract, after deducting the insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance, the insurer should refund the remaining premium calculated based on the ratio of the remained days to policy period.
2.The insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance for all the vehicles in this table is NT$387.80, it includes:
(1) the insurer's business expenses: NT$381.94, reducible with reference to its management efficiency. If a policyholder or insured purchases the insurance at the insurer's company or its branch units in person, the policyholder or insured is entitled to a premium discount of at least NT$73, provided that the discount amount does not exceed the insurer's business expenses.
(2) any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance: NT$5.86.
3.Both the contribution to the Compensation Fund (3%) and the contribution to the Stabilization Fund (0.2%) should be calculated based on the premium in the table mentioned above.
4.Premium for the first time insured shall be calculated based on the level 4; No matter for commercial or private use, premium of all the light trucks is subject to the one for light trucks(Legal Entity) in the table; Premium of private sedans for corporate owner is subject to the premium of private sedans of male owner in the age 30-60; Premium of sedans and buses for rent is subject to the premium of commercial sedans and commercial buses, Premium of sedans for long-term rent is subject to the premium of private sedans.
5.Premium for first-time insured or an insured with no previous insurance record should be calculated based on Level 4. For other insured, the premium Level for current year is calculated based on the traffic violation record in the previous year. For an insured without any violation record in the previous year, the premium Level for current year will be adjusted one Level down from the Level of previous year. The lowest Level is Level 1. For insured with violation records in the previous year, the premium Level for current year is adjusted up by 3 Levels from the Level of previous year for every claim paid. For instance, the premium increase by 3 Level for one claim paid, and 6 Levels for two claims paid. The highest Level is Level 10. If an insured has no traffic violation record in the previous year, but has violation records from past, the premium Level for current year should be adjusted according to the rules described as above. In addition, all traffic violation records occurred after the first subscription of CALI should be included in the adjustment of the premium Level.
6.The premium calculation of an automobile with a temporary license plate or a test drive license plate or motorized machinery with a temporary pass having a policy term less than one year should be based on the following: (1) the insurer's business expenses and any expense necessary to ensure the soundness of this insurance shall be charged the same as those of a one-year policy; and (2) the rest items of the premium structure shall be charged on pro-rata basis(the ratio of the policy period in days to 365 days).
7.The premiums listed in this Table do not include the drunk driving surcharge. For the specifics of the drunk driving surcharge, please see the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Drunk Driving Surcharge Table.

Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Premium Table (Motor
Vehicles 3)

                                                       Unit: NT$
│Record of   │Type of Vehicles                              │
│violating   ├───────────────────────┤
│traffic     │Private Sedan                                 │
│rules and   │                                              │
│accidents   │                                              │
│Lev-│Adjust│Age under 20  │Age 21~25     │Age 26~30     │
│el  │-ment ├───┬───┼───┬───┼───┬───┤
│    │Factor│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│
│1   │-30 % │2,594 │1,757 │2,395 │1,627 │1,567 │1,158 │
│2   │-26 % │2,634 │1,796 │2,435 │1,667 │1,607 │1,198 │
│3   │-18 % │2,714 │1,876 │2,514 │1,747 │1,687 │1,278 │
│4   │0 %   │2,893 │2,056 │2,694 │1,926 │1,866 │1,457 │
│5   │10  % │2,993 │2,155 │2,794 │2,026 │1,966 │1,557 │
│6   │20  % │3,093 │2,255 │2,893 │2,126 │2,066 │1,657 │
│7   │30  % │3,192 │2,355 │2,993 │2,225 │2,165 │1,757 │
│8   │40  % │3,292 │2,455 │3,093 │2,325 │2,265 │1,856 │
│9   │50  % │3,392 │2,554 │3,192 │2,425 │2,365 │1,956 │
│10  │60  % │3,491 │2,654 │3,292 │2,524 │2,465 │2,056 │
│                              │
│                              │
│                              │
│                              │
│Age 31~60     │Age above 60  │
│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│
│1,099 │1,019 │1,148 │889   │
│1,138 │1,059 │1,188 │929   │
│1,218 │1,138 │1,268 │1,009 │
│1,398 │1,318 │1,448 │1,188 │
│1,497 │1,418 │1,547 │1,288 │
│1,597 │1,517 │1,647 │1,388 │
│1,697 │1,617 │1,747 │1,487 │
│1,796 │1,717 │1,846 │1,587 │
│1,896 │1,816 │1,946 │1,687 │
│1,996 │1,916 │2,046 │1,787 │
1.The premium list in this table is for a one-year policy. When an insured or an insurer terminates this insurance contract, after deducting the insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance, the insurer should refund the remaining premium calculated based on the ratio of the remained days to policy period.
2.The insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance for all the vehicles in this table is NT$387.80, it includes:
(1) the insurer's business expenses: NT$381.94, reducible with reference to its management efficiency. If a policyholder or insured purchases the insurance at the insurer's company or its branch units in person, the policyholder or insured is entitled to a premium discount of at least NT$73, provided that the discount amount does not exceed the insurer's business expenses.
(2) any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance: NT$5.86.
3.Both the contribution to the Compensation Fund (3%) and the contribution to the Stabilization Fund (0.2%) should be calculated based on the premium in the table mentioned above.
4.Premium for the first time insured shall be calculated based on the level 4; No matter for commercial or private use, premium of all the light trucks is subject to the one for light trucks(Legal Entity) in the table; Premium of private sedans for corporate owner is subject to the premium of private sedans of male owner in the age 30-60; Premium of sedans and buses for rent is subject to the premium of commercial sedans and commercial buses, Premium of sedans for long-term rent is subject to the premium of private sedans.
5.Premium for first-time insured or an insured with no previous insurance record should be calculated based on Level 4. For other insured, the premium Level for current year is calculated based on the traffic violation record in the previous year. For an insured without any violation record in the previous year, the premium Level for current year will be adjusted one Level down from the Level of previous year. The lowest Level is Level 1. For insured with violation records in the previous year, the premium Level for current year is adjusted up by 3 Levels from the Level of previous year for every claim paid. For instance, the premium increase by 3 Level for one claim paid, and 6 Levels for two claims paid. The highest Level is Level 10. If an insured has no traffic violation record in the previous year, but has violation records from past, the premium Level for current year should be adjusted according to the rules described as above. In addition, all traffic violation records occurred after the first subscription of CALI should be included in the adjustment of the premium Level.
6.The premium calculation of an automobile with a temporary license plate or a test drive license plate or motorized machinery with a temporary pass having a policy term less than one year should be based on the following: (1) the insurer's business expenses and any expense necessary to ensure the soundness of this insurance shall be charged the same as those of a one-year policy; and (2) the rest items of the premium structure shall be charged on pro-rata basis(the ratio of the policy period in days to 365 days).
7.The premiums listed in this Table do not include the drunk driving surcharge. For the specifics of the drunk driving surcharge, please see the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Drunk Driving Surcharge Table.

Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Premium Table (Motor
Vehicles 4)

                                                       Unit: NT$
│Record of   │Type of Vehicles                              │
│violating   ├───────────────────────┤
│traffic     │Private Light Truck (Natural Person)          │
│rules and   │                                              │
│accidents   │                                              │
│Lev-│Adjust│Age under 20  │Age 21~25     │Age 26~30     │
│el  │-ment ├───┬───┼───┬───┼───┬───┤
│    │Factor│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│
│1   │-30 % │3,498 │2,315 │3,216 │2,132 │2,048 │1,471 │
│2   │-26 % │3,554 │2,371 │3,272 │2,188 │2,104 │1,527 │
│3   │-18 % │3,667 │2,484 │3,385 │2,301 │2,217 │1,639 │
│4   │0 %   │3,920 │2,737 │3,638 │2,554 │2,470 │1,893 │
│5   │10  % │4,061 │2,878 │3,779 │2,695 │2,611 │2,034 │
│6   │20  % │4,202 │3,019 │3,920 │2,836 │2,752 │2,174 │
│7   │30  % │4,342 │3,160 │4,061 │2,977 │2,892 │2,315 │
│8   │40  % │4,483 │3,301 │4,202 │3,118 │3,033 │2,456 │
│9   │50  % │4,624 │3,441 │4,342 │3,258 │3,174 │2,597 │
│10  │60  % │4,765 │3,582 │4,483 │3,399 │3,315 │2,737 │
│                              │
│                              │
│                              │
│                              │
│Age 31~60     │Age under 60  │
│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│
│1,386 │1,273 │1,456 │1,090 │
│1,442 │1,330 │1,513 │1,147 │
│1,555 │1,442 │1,625 │1,259 │
│1,808 │1,696 │1,879 │1,513 │
│1,949 │1,837 │2,020 │1,654 │
│2,090 │1,977 │2,160 │1,794 │
│2,231 │2,118 │2,301 │1,935 │
│2,371 │2,259 │2,442 │2,076 │
│2,512 │2,400 │2,583 │2,217 │
│2,653 │2,540 │2,723 │2,357 │
1.The premium list in this table is for a one-year policy. When an insured or an insurer terminates this insurance contract, after deducting the insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance, the insurer should refund the remaining premium calculated based on the ratio of the remained days to policy period.
2.The insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance for all the vehicles in this table is NT$387.80, it includes:
(1) the insurer's business expenses: NT$381.94, reducible with reference to its management efficiency. If a policyholder or insured purchases the insurance at the insurer's company or its branch units in person, the policyholder or insured is entitled to a premium discount of at least NT$73, provided that the discount amount does not exceed the insurer's business expenses.
(2) any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance: NT$5.86.
3.Both the contribution to the Compensation Fund (3%) and the contribution to the Stabilization Fund (0.2%) should be calculated based on the premium in the table mentioned above.
4.Premium for the first time insured shall be calculated based on the level 4; No matter for commercial or private use, premium of all the light trucks is subject to the one for light trucks(Legal Entity) in the table; Premium of private sedans for corporate owner is subject to the premium of private sedans of male owner in the age 30-60; Premium of sedans and buses for rent is subject to the premium of commercial sedans and commercial buses, Premium of sedans for long-term rent is subject to the premium of private sedans.
5.Premium for first-time insured or an insured with no previous insurance record should be calculated based on Level 4. For other insured, the premium Level for current year is calculated based on the traffic violation record in the previous year. For an insured without any violation record in the previous year, the premium Level for current year will be adjusted one Level down from the Level of previous year. The lowest Level is Level 1. For insured with violation records in the previous year, the premium Level for current year is adjusted up by 3 Levels from the Level of previous year for every claim paid. For instance, the premium increase by 3 Level for one claim paid, and 6 Levels for two claims paid. The highest Level is Level 10. If an insured has no traffic violation record in the previous year, but has violation records from past, the premium Level for current year should be adjusted according to the rules described as above. In addition, all traffic violation records occurred after the first subscription of CALI should be included in the adjustment of the premium Level.
6.The premium calculation of an automobile with a temporary license plate or a test drive license plate or motorized machinery with a temporary pass having a policy term less than one year should be based on the following: (1) the insurer's business expenses and any expense necessary to ensure the soundness of this insurance shall be charged the same as those of a one-year policy; and (2) the rest items of the premium structure shall be charged on pro-rata basis(the ratio of the policy period in days to 365 days).
7.The premiums listed in this Table do not include the drunk driving surcharge. For the specifics of the drunk driving surcharge, please see the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Drunk Driving Surcharge Table.

Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Premium Table (Motor
Vehicles 5)

                                                       Unit: NT$
│Record of   │Type of Vehicles                              │
│violating   ├───────────────────────┤
│traffic     │Dual Use Bus/Freight Truck (Natural Person)   │
│rules and   │                                              │
│accidents   │                                              │
│Lev-│Adjust│Age under 20  │Age 21~25     │Age 26~30     │
│el  │-ment ├───┬───┼───┬───┼───┬───┤
│    │Factor│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│
│1   │-30 % │2,890 │1,940 │2,664 │1,793 │1,725 │1,261 │
│2   │-26 % │2,936 │1,985 │2,709 │1,838 │1,770 │1,306 │
│3   │-18 % │3,026 │2,076 │2,800 │1,928 │1,861 │1,397 │
│4   │0 %   │3,230 │2,279 │3,004 │2,132 │2,064 │1,600 │
│5   │10  % │3,343 │2,392 │3,117 │2,245 │2,177 │1,713 │
│6   │20  % │3,456 │2,506 │3,230 │2,358 │2,291 │1,827 │
│7   │30  % │3,569 │2,619 │3,343 │2,472 │2,404 │1,940 │
│8   │40  % │3,683 │2,732 │3,456 │2,585 │2,517 │2,053 │
│9   │50  % │3,796 │2,845 │3,569 │2,698 │2,630 │2,166 │
│10  │60  % │3,909 │2,958 │3,683 │2,811 │2,743 │2,279 │
│                              │
│                              │
│                              │
│                              │
│Age 31~60     │Age above 60  │
│Male  │Female│Male  │Female│
│1,193 │1,102 │1,249 │955   │
│1,238 │1,148 │1,295 │1,000 │
│1,329 │1,238 │1,385 │1,091 │
│1,532 │1,442 │1,589 │1,295 │
│1,646 │1,555 │1,702 │1,408 │
│1,759 │1,668 │1,815 │1,521 │
│1,872 │1,781 │1,928 │1,634 │
│1,985 │1,894 │2,042 │1,747 │
│2,098 │2,008 │2,155 │1,861 │
│2,211 │2,121 │2,268 │1,974 │
1.The premium list in this table is for a one-year policy. When an insured or an insurer terminates this insurance contract, after deducting the insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance, the insurer should refund the remaining premium calculated based on the ratio of the remained days to policy period.
2.The insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance for all the vehicles in this table is NT$387.80, it includes:
(1) the insurer's business expenses: NT$381.94, reducible with reference to its management efficiency. If a policyholder or insured purchases the insurance at the insurer's company or its branch units in person, the policyholder or insured is entitled to a premium discount of at least NT$73, provided that the discount amount does not exceed the insurer's business expenses.
(2) any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance: NT$5.86.
3.Both the contribution to the Compensation Fund (3%) and the contribution to the Stabilization Fund (0.2%) should be calculated based on the premium in the table mentioned above.
4.Premium for the first time insured shall be calculated based on the level 4; No matter for commercial or private use, premium of all the light trucks is subject to the one for light trucks(Legal Entity) in the table; Premium of private sedans for corporate owner is subject to the premium of private sedans of male owner in the age 30-60; Premium of sedans and buses for rent is subject to the premium of commercial sedans and commercial buses, Premium of sedans for long-term rent is subject to the premium of private sedans.
5.Premium for first-time insured or an insured with no previous insurance record should be calculated based on Level 4. For other insured, the premium Level for current year is calculated based on the traffic violation record in the previous year. For an insured without any violation record in the previous year, the premium Level for current year will be adjusted one Level down from the Level of previous year. The lowest Level is Level 1. For insured with violation records in the previous year, the premium Level for current year is adjusted up by 3 Levels from the Level of previous year for every claim paid. For instance, the premium increase by 3 Level for one claim paid, and 6 Levels for two claims paid. The highest Level is Level 10. If an insured has no traffic violation record in the previous year, but has violation records from past, the premium Level for current year should be adjusted according to the rules described as above. In addition, all traffic violation records occurred after the first subscription of CALI should be included in the adjustment of the premium Level.
6.The premium calculation of an automobile with a temporary license plate or a test drive license plate or motorized machinery with a temporary pass having a policy term less than one year should be based on the following: (1) the insurer's business expenses and any expense necessary to ensure the soundness of this insurance shall be charged the same as those of a one-year policy; and (2) the rest items of the premium structure shall be charged on pro-rata basis(the ratio of the policy period in days to 365 days).
7.The premiums listed in this Table do not include the drunk driving surcharge. For the specifics of the drunk driving surcharge, please see the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Drunk Driving Surcharge Table.

Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Drunk Driving Surchar-
ge Table
                                                       Unit: NT$
│Number of drunk driving │                                  │
│violations on record in │Motor Vehicles                    │
│the preceding year      │                                  │
│1 次                    │2,100                             │
│2 次                    │4,200                             │
│3 次                    │6,300                             │
│4 次                    │8,400                             │
│5 次                    │10,500                            │
│More than 5             │Number of drunk driving violations│
│                        │on record in the preceding year   │
│                        │multiplied by 2,100, with no      │
│                        │ceiling.                          │
1.The drunk driving surcharge listed in this table applies only to motor vehicles.
2.The surcharge in this table applies to the owner of the vehicle driven by the offender of drunk driving laws at the time of the violation.
3.If an insured has any record of drunk driving violations in the preceding year, the applicable surcharge listed in this table according to the number of violations shall be added to the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance premium. The record of drunk driving violations shall be determined based on the information provided by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.
4.The drunk driving surcharge in this table is inclusive of the contribution to the Compensation Fund (3%) and the contribution to the Stabilization Fund (0.2%).
5.The drunk driving surcharge in this table is for the premium for a one-year policy. When an insured or an insurer duly terminates the insurance contract, the insurer should refund the remaining premium calculated taking the number of days remaining in the policy period divided by the number of total days of the policy.

Data Source:Financial Supervisory Commission Laws and Regulations Retrieving System