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Financial Supervisory Commission
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Premium Table of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance for Motorcycle Ch
Date: 2013.12.27
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on September 25, 1998; effected on January 01, 1999
2.Amended on June 29, 2001; effected on January 01, 2001
3.Amended on December 20, 2002; effected on January 01, 2003
4.Amended on December 24, 2003; effected on January 01, 2004
5.Amended on February 25, 2005; effected on March 01, 2005
6.Amended on December 29, 2005; effected on March 01, 2006
7.Amended on November 30, 2007; effected on March 01, 2008
8.Amended on December 1, 2008; effected on March 01, 2009
9.Amended on November 30, 2009; effected on March 01, 2010
10.Amended on November 8, 2010; effected on March 01, 2011
11.Amended on December 3, 2012; effected on March 01, 2013
12.Amended on December 27, 2013; effected on March 01, 2014

Article 1

Premium Table of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance for

Amended on March 1, 2014

The table of premium of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insuranc
e,2014 (Motorcycle)
│            │Premium Charged                               │
│Policy Peri-├─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┤
│od          │Light     │Heavy     │Small     │Small     │
│            │Weight    │Weight    │Motorcycle│Light     │
│            │Motorcycle│Motorcycle│          │Motorcycle│
│1 Year      │658       │711       │424       │424       │
│Less than 1 │681       │736       │437       │437       │
│Year and 1  │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │726       │785       │463       │463       │
│Year and 2  │          │          │          │          │
│Monthss     │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │771       │835       │489       │489       │
│Year and 3  │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │816       │884       │515       │515       │
│Year and 4  │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │861       │934       │541       │541       │
│Year and 5  │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │906       │983       │566       │566       │
│Year and 6  │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │952       │1,033     │592       │592       │
│Year and 7  │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │997       │1,083     │618       │618       │
│Year and 8  │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │1,042     │1,132     │644       │644       │
│Year and 9  │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │1,087     │1,182     │670       │670       │
│Year and 10 │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │1,132     │1,231     │696       │696       │
│Year and 11 │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│Less than 1 │1,178     │1,281     │722       │722       │
│Year and 12 │          │          │          │          │
│Months      │          │          │          │          │
│2 Years     │1,200     │1,306     │735       │735       │
1.When an insured or an insurer terminates this insurance contract, the insurer should refund the unearned premium calculated as following:
(1) if the unexpired policy period is less than one year, after deducting the insurer's business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance, the insurer should refund the remaining premium calculated based on the ratio of the remained days to policy period.   
(2) if the unexpired policy period is greater than or equal to one year, the insurer should refund all the second year unearned premium, meanwhile, should refund the first year unearned premium based on the calculation formula mentioned in paragraph (1).   
2.For the purpose of establishing a reference for calculation of future renewal premium, upon the time when a motorcycle owner buys this insurance, an insurer will begin collecting the insured's personal factor material information such as the insured's age, gender, and accidents that were due to the insured's traffic violation.   
3.The business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance for the one-year motorcycle insurance policy is NT$181.00, for the two-year motorcycle insurance policy is NT$253.35, it includes:   
(1) the insurer's business expenses: for the one-year motorcycle insurance policy is NT$177.47, for the two-year motorcycle insurance policy is NT$249.10, reducible with reference to its management efficiency. If a policyholder or insured purchases the insurance at the insurer's company or its branch units in person, the policyholder or insured is entitled to a premium discount of at least NT$60 for one-year term insurance policy, or of at least NT$80 for two-year term insurance policy, provided that the discount amount does not exceed the insurer's business expenses.
(2) any expense needed to ensure the soundness of this insurance: for one-year motorcycle insurance policy is NT$3.53, for two-year motorcycle insurance policy is NT$4.25.
4.For an insurance policy period over one-year but less than two-year, the business expenses and any expense needed to ensure the soundness for the second-year period is calculated on a pro rata basis of the elapsed months over the entire months of insurance period.
5.Both the contribution to the Compensation Fund (2%) and the contribution to the Stabilization Fund (0.2%) should be calculated based on the premium in the table mentioned above.
6.The premium calculation of a motorcycle with a temporary license plate or a test drive license plate having a policy term less than one year should be based on the following: (1) the insurer's business expenses and any expense necessary to ensure the soundness of this insurance shall be charged the same as those of a one-year policy; and (2) the rest items of the premium structure shall be charged on pro-rata basis(the ratio of the policy period in days to 365 days).

Data Source:Financial Supervisory Commission Laws and Regulations Retrieving System