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Title: Directions for Insurance Agents and Insurance Brokers to Engage in Distance Insurance Contracts and Providing Insurance Service Business Ch
Date: 2024.07.22
Legislative: Amended on 22 July 2024 per Order No. Jin-Guan-Bao-Zong-Zi 11304922172 of the Financial Supervisory Commission.
Content: 1.These Directions are established as guidance for insurance agents, insurance brokers, and banks that operate insurance agent or insurance broker businesses (hereinafter referred to as “insurance agent and broker companies”) to provide distance insurance contracts and insurance services (hereinafter referred to as “the business”) for insurance policies for which both the proposer and the insured are natural persons.
5.To facilitate distance insurance contracts business, insurance brokers, agents and solicitors of insurance agent and broker companies (hereinafter referred to as “solicitation personnel”) may first confirm the customer's intent to purchase insurance and prepare the following documents based on customer's requests:
(1)Insurance application and related insurance application documents.
(2)Personal data collection and processing consent form (if the video or audio files used for the business are temporarily stored in a storage area of the online video communication service provider used by the insurance company, the proposer must be notified in the consent form).
(3)Mobile insurance application consent form (except where mobile insurance application is not used).
(4)Distance insurance declaration and consent form.
(5)Fund transfer or credit card authorization form.
After the solicitation personnel establishes a link with the customer via online video communication software and a mobile device using a means under Point 2, the solicitation personnel and the customer must simultaneously appear in the video in the recording process. A solicitor is required to display the registration license, whereas a broker or agent is required to present the practice license and service certificate, and explain to customer the services solicited or processed by  his or her company or authorized by the insurance agent or broker company, and confirm the customer's consent to the application of distance insurance.
9. The insurance agent or broker companies must request its employed solicitation personnel to confirm the integrity of the data obtained in accordance with the four preceding points. After confirmation, the data shall be checked and reviewed  by the underwriting personnel or the designated administration personnel or supervisor of a non-solicitation unit of the insurance company to confirm the true intent of the customer's insurance application. However if a bank’s video and audio recording software is used, the data shall be checked and reviewed by the administration personnel or supervisor of a non-solicitation unit designated by the bank.
The review of the videos specified in the preceding paragraph shall at least include the following items:
(1)Images of the identification information (image of the face on the front and identity certification document).
(2)Video and audio recording of customer consent.
(3)Video and audio of each of the customer's signature for approval or consent for the use of biometrics for expressing the customer's intent.
11.With regard to the information security principles, the insurance agent or broker must set up the necessary security protection mechanisms for video and audio files for processing the service to ensure personal data security for customers. The principles shall include the following items:
(1)The insurance agent or broker shall at least obtain the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System and Personal Information Management System (PIMS) certification for operating the service. It shall also ensure that the customers' personal data are appropriately stored, meet the stated purposes for the collection, processing, and use of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, and are securely transmitted and adequately stored.
(2)After completing insurance application, the solicitation personnel shall immediately upload the video and audio files in an encrypted manner to the insurance company's or bank’s internal server or a storage area of the online video communication service provider used by the insurance company. The files may not be stored on the personal mobile device of solicitation personnel. However, where the upload cannot be immediately completed due to connection issues, the video and audio files shall be encrypted and stored in the mobile device for no more than two hours, and may not be transferred to an external device in any manner. After the time elapses, the files shall be automatically deleted or blocked to ensure information security.
(3)Where a bank’s video and audio recording software is used, the bank shall ensure that the video and audio recordings and the insurance application documents are appropriately and completely stored. The storage period may not be less than five years from the termination or expiry of the insurance contract or five years from the date the decision of non-underwriting is finalized.
12.Before the customer proceeds with the service, the insurance agent or broker must clearly inform the customer of the operating environment of the insurance company, procedures, and potential issues that may occur during the video communication process (e.g., connection interruption) and the adjustment measures to be taken. The insurance agent or broker must also remind the customer to ensure the security of the network environment during the video communication process (e.g., do not use public Wi-Fi or public computers, or purchase insurance policies in a public area).
An insurance agent or broker company must provide its employed solicitation personnel with comprehensive training for the business to ensure that they fully understand the operations of the business and information security risks to heed, and have the ability to help customers operate in a secure environment before they start engaging in the business.
15.Insurance agent and broker companies shall comply with rules of the insurance company for the operations of distance insurance contracts and insurance service business, and check the accuracy of relevant documents provided in Article 34 of the Regulations Governing Insurance Agents and Article 34 of the Regulations Governing Insurance Brokers.
Where a bank’s video and audio recording software is used, documents and video and audio data specified in Points 5 ~ 9 should be properly encrypted and transmitted to the insurance company. 
Insurance agent and broker companies shall ensure that their solicitation personnel comply with these Directions and bear management responsibilities.