Legislative: |
Issue date: 29 December 2023 |
Content: |
Order of the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC)
Issue date: 29 December 2023
Issue no.: Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Trading-1120386116
1. Pursuant to Article 192-1, paragraph 1 (the proviso), and the mutatis mutandis application of Article 192-1, paragraph 1 (the proviso) under Article 216-1, paragraph 1, of the Company Act, all TWSE and TPEx listed companies and Emerging Stock companies shall
adopt a candidate nomination system for the election of directors and supervisors. Furthermore, the adoption of the system shall be stated in their articles of incorporation and the shareholders shall elect the directors and supervisors from among the nominees
listed in the roster of candidates.
2. This Order is effective from 1 January 2025. FSC Order No. Financial-Supervisory-Securities-Trading-1080311451 of 25 April 2019 is repealed from 1 January 2025.